In 2016 we made our first truly nomadic trip. We visited places like Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, among others. Although we were amazed by the history, temples and customs, we were also impressed by the number of tours offered to visit local tribes, which, although the excursion can be very attractive, it hides a totally different reality than what we imagined. This is the case, for example, of Padaung women or giraffe women, who are even in an illegal situation. It was in this experience that we became aware that as travelers we have responsibilities, and even more so now, as tour operators.
Many of the sustainable development goals that the United Nations has set for 2030 affect the world of travel, such as: efficient use of resources, environmental and heritage protection, sustainable economic growth, respect for cultural values, and safety in places. destinations, just to name a few.
Consequently, we have created our decalogue of responsible nomad, in which we invite you with little things to travel in a sustainable way and with conscience, trying to minimize the negative impacts on the ecosystem, economy, society and culture of the destination, especially if we visit areas protected given their importance to the ecosystem and biodiversity.
Decálogo del nómade responsable:
- Book in advance!
- Keep the garbage you generate in your pockets, please do not leave it in the parks!
- Responsibly consume water and energy without waste!
- Makes as little noise as possible so as not to disturb the harmony of nature
- Respect wildlife and keep your distance – avoid touching them!
- We love pets, but they cannot enter protected areas because they alter the ecosystem
- Protect and preserve our National Parks
- Respect the communities, their cultures and traditions (share and enjoy a mate!)
- Comply with safety regulations, guarantee a tremendous experience!
- Prefers returnable containers and reusable bags